Sunday Morning Adult Bible Studies
Classes are held throughout the year at 9:20-10:15 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall (basement). A wide variety of subjects are chosen to study over the course of the year.
Current Topic:
Youth Bible Studies ~ 6th – 12th grade
Classes are held on Sunday mornings at 9:15 AM in the Youth Room with Elaine Herman. Topics relevant to today’s youth are studied and discussed.
Women in the Word Wednesday Bible Study
WOMEN IN THE WORD BIBLE STUDY ~ Wednesdays room 100 at 9:45 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
They don’t meet during the summer.
Wednesday, December 6, 2023, SAVED BY ANGELS to SHARE how GOD talks to everyday people. Women in the Word invite you to join them in this study.
Saved by Angels reveals how the Lord reaches out to all people in various ways, as proven through this deeply personal journey of an everyday man who overcame addiction and near-death through God’s supernatural intervention.
Scripturally sound, every page screams how much God loves you. You will see through spiritual eyes and a softened heart what your heavenly Father has done in your life to try to talk to you, touch you, and build a relationship with you.
Using a testimonial-style approach filled with numerous personal stories and answers to prayer, this expanded edition addresses seven ways God communicates with His beloved children: prayer, scripture, dreams and visions, other people, the Holy Spirit, Life circumstances and Angels.
This knowledge inspires all people to deepen their relationship with the living God as they realize that God’s grace and mercy are not reserved only for those who have made all the right choices, can recite 100 Bible verses, or stand behind a pulpit — God’s love is for everyday people, everyday!
Women’s Ministry Bible Study ~ Life Love & Jesus
Come and join us on Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. in room 103
- We are just women that are living life and loving Jesus.
- During this time we are sisters in Christ that are walking with each other.
- You can email Heather Stainbrook at h.stainbrook2011@gmail.com with questions
Hope to see you there!!
Friday Morning Bible Study
10:00 a.m. in room 102.