The objectives of the Women’s Ministry of St. Luke’s are:
- To serve Christ and St. Luke’s, by moral and active support of the church’s program and its activities.
- To develop and maintain a greater Mission consciousness among women.
- To gather funds for missions.
- To promote Bible study among the women of this congregation and to all others who desire to study with us.
Women’s Ministry of St. Luke’s, an affiliate of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, (LWML) is comprised of 11 circles. To obtain more information in regard to these circles, please call the church office at 715-423-5990.
Anna Circle
Objective: Operate the St. Luke’s Bookstore (located in the Fellowship Hall) which, in part, supports the congregation’s Student Fund.
Mission Project: Support for students preparing for full time church work with their prayers, cards, letters, and gifts.

Dorcas Circle
Objective: Make quilts for World Relief, Orphan Grain Train, and disaster victims. Some quilts are sold to provide money for their mission project and sewing supplies.
Mission Project: Lutheran Bible Translators
Elizabeth Circle
Objective: Build, maintain, and promote the church library. We also repair hymnals as needed.
Mission Project: Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Chinle and Rock Point, AZ.

Eunice Circle
Objective: Members care for and maintain the confirmation gowns and the Children’s Activity Bags, coordinate the Baptism banners and napkins, and maintain hearing assist devices.
Mission Projects: Home in Watertown, WI; support of a missionary trainee in Ireland.
Eve Circle
Objective: Share produce with the Family Center and others in need.
Mission Project: Garden Produce Sharing at St. Luke’s; maintain outside landscaping, and maintain the community gardens on location at St. Luke’s.

Lois Circle
Objective: To act as the school board of St. Luke’s Preschool/4K.
Mission Project: First Choice Pregnancy Resource Center
Lydia Circle
Objective: Visit patients in Edenbrook and Edgewater Nursing Homes, and those who have extended stays at Aspirus Riverview Hospital and in private homes.
Mission Project: Lutheran Braille Workers of Yucaipa, California.

Miriam Circle
Objective: Welcome new children born or adopted into St. Luke’s congregation with a meal and flower for the family. Provide meals to others as the need arises.
Mission Project: Maintain a small pantry for the emergency needs of the congregation and community members.
Priscilla Circle
Objective: Maintain the altar area, prepare for communion and maintain communion ware. Maintain the linens, flowers, plants, and altar frontals.
Mission Project: Secret Friends to the current Confirmation Class.

Rebekah Circle
Objective: Members assemble the monthly Luke Lines for mailing, send cards to Service men and women, and prepare other special mailings.
Mission Project: Support Missionaries Krista and Joel Young
Sarah Circle
Objective: Members make nursing home visits, create birthday corsages and special corsages for residents 90 years of age or older, and run the Bingo Party once a month.
Mission Project: Members help with Lutheran Church Services each month at Edenbrook Medical and Rehab Center